I’m rereading one of my favorite fantasy book series of all time, “The Wheel of Time” by Robert Jordan (with a late assist from Brandon Sanderson.)
I’m into Book 4, “The Shadow Rising,” and I forgot, despite having read it multiple times, just how epic this world is. We’re covering thousands of years of magic, history, mythology and prophecy here, and there are still TEN more “Wheel of Time” books to go. I freakin’ love it.
So obviously I can’t stop thinking of trivia questions. I may have to write a book.
Here are the first 10 “Wheel of Time” questions that came off the top of my head. (Mild spoilers in some of these.)

- Related to the then-ruling Damodred royal family, Moiraine grew up in the royal palace of what nation?
- In addition to the universally female habits of sniffing and twitching of skirts, what physical tell does Nynaeve have when she is angry?
- What phrase in the Old Tongue translates as “true blood”?
- Thom Merrilin was once court bard in Caemlyn, but he had to flee the city when he angered who?
- Foretelling his dealings with Berelain and Faile, Min has a viewing of what two birds perched on Perrin’s shoulders?
- Several of the “wetlanders” are shocked to learn the Aiel practice of sister-wives, when Rhuarc introduces them to what two women to whom is he married?
- The spirit of Mordeth merges with Padan Fain after meeting Rand, Mat and Perrin at Shadar Logoth, the ruined remains of what glorious former nation?
- To what city is Egwene summoned by the Hall of the Tower in exile to become Amyrlin?
- Mat impresses Tuon by buying her a gift of what unique kind of horse from Arad Doman?
- Though she is Red Ajah, when Elaida deposes Siuan Sanche, who does she choose as her Keeper of the Chronicles, despite her coming from the White?
Answers up after this pretty good and VERY succinct summary of the series from IGN. There are other summary videos out there that actually get into plot, but you should skip those and READ THE SERIES.
- Cairhien
- She pulls her braid
- Tai’shar
- Queen Morgase
- Falcon and hawk
- Amys and Lian
- Aridhol
- Salidar
- Razor
- Alviarin
Want more nerdy trivia? Try your hand at Star Wars geography!