Happy Mother’s Day! Here’s a mother trivia fact: Moms rule.
They give hugs. They kiss booboos. And they always have our backs. In the words of the great literary mama-bear Molly Weasley to Bellatrix Lestrange: “NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!”
From one pop culture mom to 10 more: From a freeze frame, can you identify these Mom-heavy movies and TV shows? Some have mother (or the like) in the title while others have a character with a form of mother in their name.

Answers up after Mrs. Jumbo singing “Baby Mine” to Dumbo while she’s locked in circus jail. TEARS.
- “Baby Mama”
- “Mommie Dearest”
- “Chicago” (Matron Mama Morton)
- “Tangled” ( Mother Goethel)
- “The Grapes of Wrath” (Ma Joad)
- “Mom”
- “Big Momma’s House”
- “Mother!”
- “Mama’s Family”
- “How I Met Your Mother”
Want more visual quizzes? Check out famous movie bikes or rain soaked scenes!